Well I had intended to make this a longer post but time is getting the better of me. At the moment I'm in between making a bakewell pudding, pavlova and flat breads and at a standstill as I have no castor sugar and cooking butter. My elves have gone out to do some last minute shopping and until they come back I can't do any more - well I could go and clean the upstairs and dust our bedroom but who wants to do that on Christmas eve? Time has just flown by these past few months but I hope to have more time in the New Year as I am retiring from my job at the clinic, last shift next Wednesday. I am going to miss all our lovely patients and also my work colleagues but am looking forward to the not working round work for holidays and activities. One of my first jobs will be get an instagram account for life@number6 as now I have a 'proper' phone I use instagram a lot but only have a personal account. As soon as I've sorted that I'll be letting you know. Until then here a few pictures of number 6's Christmas decorations this year

and here is my Christmas buy for this year, the label reads 'Driving home for Christmas'
and I finished my Christmas socks just in time
My elves have returned with sugar and butter so I shall wish you a
Very Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year
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Thank you for reading my post. I look forward to reading your comments and will do my best to reply to you all. Anne