After our weekend away in London, the following weekend saw us down in Cornwall, so we had planned that the weekend before Easter would be a quite one. Note the phrase 'would be a quiet one' which translated into 'was a busy one'. We spent the Friday with friends in Skegness, which was true to it's poster - bracing!

So after that I had planned nothing - the weekend could stretch out in a very lazy way. That was until on Saturday afternoon I was asked if I would like another day out. 'Where?' was my reply 'Well I've just realised that tomorrow is the last day the Flying Scotsman is on the North York Moors railway and we've not been to see it'. You may remember I have a husband who was an avid train spotter in his youth and who can't go near to a steam railway without visiting it and taking the odd (?) picture. I have many fond memories of the North York Moors, Pickering and especially Levishan where not only did we spend our honeymoon there, but last year Becky, Charlotte and I went up there to Cheryl-Ann Taylor where both Becky and Charlotte had head dresses designed for their weddings. Taking all this into consideration, along with the fact the David would be so disappointed not to see it in full steam I agreed. We would need an early start as David expected that the train would be housed at Pickering, so if we got there early we would see it being brought out and steamed up. The alarm was set and an early start we had (made even earlier by putting together a picnic before we left). We got there in good time and had no trouble parking by the station in Pickering. It was as we got to the station we found out that it would be coming down from Goathland so there would be a wait. Enough time for a welcome coffee in the station's tea garden. As more people arrived we joined them on the platform
and then came the announcement. 'There is a slight problem and the Flying Scotsman will be 10 minutes late' - not so bad you may think, but that 10 minutes turned into 1 hour and 10 minutes. It seems there was a problem with the brakes so another train was attached to help. Finally it arrived
We have many, many pictures but some of you may already be yawning so they are saved for David to enjoy.
Not content to see it in Pickering it was suggested that we might go up to Levisham and then down to the station to watch it go through later in the day so that's what we did. Levisham is a lovely village but the approach is by going through Lockton, right down into the valley and up a VERY steep hill. At the top is the village stretching up to the pub.

To get to the station you go passed the pub and wind down the hill into the bottom of the valley

It's a very pretty, well kept station and generally quiet, although on this occasion there were others with the same idea as us. Another hour passed which was spent chatting to enthusiasts, looking at different exhibitions and memorabilia until the time came for us to take our places again. I was detailed to video it on David's phone whilst he took more pictures. I didn't do a very good job of the video but he managed the pictures
It came and went quickly, but I had one happy husband!
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