My children always like to present us with a 'Christmas list' and last year was no exception. J's was through an email sent to us and both sisters, C's was very much 'Will you help me get a vacuum on ebay for my new house and maybe I could have it for Christams' and B's was 'I don't know what I really want for Christmas other than a knitting bag like Granny gave Charlotte'. All straight forward, J had sent us the link to the web site for the hockey trainers he needed. D was successful in bidding for a Dyson on ebay which with abit of TLC and another successful bid to secure some missing tools was like new. All that was left was B's knitting bag. I decided that making one would be easy and went off and purchased some material. I knew I wouldn't have time to do it before Christmas so the material was wrapped with the promise of it being made. I had been looking forward to starting it but I needed to finish 5 sets of covers for the benches at the chiropractise (all black and in stretch towelling!!). However the delay in starting has meant she has a bag with memories - why?. Well whilst clearing out our loft I brought down various items of clothing belonging to B, one of which was her prom dress.

Having tried to get it to zip up B admitted defeat and was deciding what was going to happen to it when I suggested we kept it and I could make her some padded coat hangers with it. Good idea, but then she came up with an even better one why not use it for the lining of the knitting bag. So having finally finished the covers I took great delight in setting up the sewing machine to start the knitting bag.
A couple of hours later ta dah
the addition of a crochet rose( pattern from
Attic24 -thank you Lucy) finished it off beautifully
and every time she opens it she'll remember her prom. I am so pleased with it as was B when I gave it to her at knit and natter last night and I got asked if I would make another for one of my friends there. So once my house is clean and tidied and I've watched the men's curling I have the pleasure of making another. Happy weekend! Anne
What a wonderful bag with a lovely story attached! I bet it will be treasured for many years to come :o)